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Access to Care - Team Page Behavioral Health - Team Page Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - Team Page

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Measuring Progress

Goal 3.1 Promote the attainment and maintenance of health through nutrition, physical activity, and healthy lifestyle behaviors.
Strategy 3.1.1 Utilize resources to educate and raise awareness.
Objective By December 31, 2028, increase the % of children in kindergarten and 7th grade who get the recommended doses of vaccines against vaccine-preventable diseases from 90.3% (2021) to 95%.
Objective By December 31, 2028, reduce the percentage of adults who smoke from 19.7% to 15%.
Strategy 3.1.2 Promote health messaging campaigns.
Objective By December 31, 2028, reduce the % of adolescents that use electronic vaping from 29.7% to 20%.
Strategy 3.1.3 Utilize preventative measures via education and health screenings.
Objective By December 31, 2028, decrease the cancer age-adjusted death rate gap between blacks and whites from 30/100,000 to 20/100,000 persons.
Objective By December 31, 2028, decrease the number of obese adults in Pinellas from 28.5% to 27%